Bidirectional remote control keyfob
The APT-100 remote control keyfob is designed to be used as part of the ABAX two-way wireless system. This compact device offers convenient and easy operation of the alarm system. The keyfob is provided with 5 backlit buttons which serve up to 6 programmable functions, as well as with 3 LEDs, to which any confirmation functions can be assigned. Within one security alarm system, any number of keyfobs can be used and to each of them individual functions can be assigned, depending on the needs of the user. APT-100 is compatible with INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel, ACU-120, ACU-270 and the older ACU-100, ACU-250 controllers, as well as with ARU-100 radio signal repeater.
- encrypted bidirectional transmission with ABAX compatible controller
- free assignment of action to 6 keyfobs’ buttons
- programmable assignment of 3 confirmation LEDs
- acoustic feedback with built-in buzzer
- automatic keypad backlight