Universal multi-purpose communication module
GSM-X LTE offers extensive communication functionality and support for multipath communication. The device comes with a cellular phone that supports data transmission using LTE* technology.
The module can be used to implement reporting in alarm systems. For this purpose, it should be connected to the dialer or suitably configured outputs of the control panel.
An important feature of the device is its expandability by adding the GSM-X-ETH Ethernet module, so that reporting can be implemented using two independent paths (data transmission via cellular network* and Ethernet). Another option is to add the GSM-X-PSTN module, in which case the analog PSTN telephone line will be used as an alternative transmission path. Thanks to constant monitoring of the state of connections with the monitoring station and substitutability of transmission paths, the stringent EN 50136 requirements for the so-called Dual Path Reporting are met.
GSM-X LTE allows sending notifications to 8 telephone numbers – this can be done in several ways: using voice, SMS or PUSH messages, or the CLIP service.
The module offers extensive compatibility with the INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus control panels. When connected to the control panel RS-232 interface, it will perform reporting and messaging (in the case of INTEGRA Plus, the SMS content is based directly on the event log). It also enables remote programming of these control panels from a computer with the DLOADX program and administration of alarm systems using the GUARDX program.
The device can fully replace the analog telephone line, working as a backup communication path. When the line is not available, the module will divert voice calls to the cellular network. In the case of PBX systems, it can be used as an additional external line.
GSM-X LTE is provided with 4 programmable outputs that can be controlled remotely using SMS, CLIP, DTMF, GX CONTROL mobile application, GX Soft configuration software or via IoT. Consequently, the module can be used to remotely control the alarm system or other devices.
For programming and configuration, you should use a computer with the GX Soft program installed. The computer can be connected to the module locally (USB port) or remotely (data transmission via cellular network* / Ethernet**).
Remote update of the device firmware is possible owing to the module compatibility with the UpServ update server.
The built-in cell phone has two slots for nano-SIM cards. If communication with the first card operator's network fails, the module automatically switches to the other one to keep communication uninterrupted.
- Dual Path Reporting support acc. to EN 50136**/***
- event reporting: audio (over cellular / PSTN*** network) / SMS / LTE* / Ethernet**
- conversion and retransmission of event codes received from other devices (simulation of telephone monitoring station)
- sending notifications to up to 8 telephone numbers
- messaging: audio / SMS / PUSH / CLIP
- conversion of PAGER messages to SMS
- simulating analog telephone line using cellular connection - GSM gateway
- switching connections to the cellular network in case of analog telephone line trouble
- compatibility with INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus control panels:
- fast data transfer via RS-232
- TCP/IP / PSTN*** reporting
- automatically created notification content (INTEGRA Plus)
- capability of remote programming of control panels (DLOADX) and system administration (GUARDX)
- SMS and CLIP receiver for STAM-2 monitoring station
- 8 programmable inputs (NO, NC)
- 4 outputs (OC) controlled by SMS / CLIP / DTMF / GX CONTROL / GX Soft / via IoT
- IoT - support for the JSON and MQQT open protocols
- dual SIM capability
- option to check the pre-paid account balance and notification when the amount of funds drops below the minimum level
- configuration of module settings:
- locally - computer with the GX Soft program connected to the module USB port
- remotely - computer with the GX Soft program connecting to the module using data transmission over the celullar network* or Ethernet**
- compatibility with the GX CONTROL mobile application
- remote firmware update capability
- ability to connect the dedicated power supply: APS-412, APS-612, APS-1412
- expandability by adding the GSM-X-ETH Ethernet module, or alternatively, the GSM-X-PSTN telephone module
* data transmission using the LTE/HSPA+/EDGE/GPRS technology - depending on the cellular network capabilities
** when used with GSM-X-ETH
*** when used with GSM-X-PSTN