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Teljesen új INT-TSH2 és INT-TSG2
érintőképernyős kezelők

Nagyteljesítményű processzor, teljesen
új kezelőfelület, csúsztatási mozdulat támogatása.

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SATEL a YouTube-on és Vimeo-n

Több mint 30 videó és animáció rólunk és termékeinkről

- Iratkozzon fel a csatornáinkra és maradjon naprakész!

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SATEL Technical Support platform

    An easy and efficient way to expand your professional knowledge:
  • instructional videos
  • intuitive systems configurators
  • technical news

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2024-12-31   Új verzió UPSERV 1.14.004


Solutions tailored to your needs

enabling implementation of top-class security systems, access control
and smart building automatic control functions


The INTEGRA control panels are advanced
state-of-the-art devices that provide top-class
security, access control and intelligent
building systems.

More information

Reliability, flexibility and versatility - these
are features of the alarm system based
on VERSA control panels designed
for medium-size premises.

More information

The PERFECTA series consists of
control panels that allow you to create
a wired, wireless or hybrid system.
PERFECTA stands for simple configuration
and easy control.

More information

The MICRA wireless system is designed for protection
of small-size premises. Simple and quick installation,
easy configuration and intuitive operation are major advantages of the MICRA module.

More information

SATEL: Security on a daily basis

Tekintse meg videonkat


Professional training workshops in the form of theoretical and practical classes on 7 different subjects, led by SATEL experts

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Hardware configurators, educational
videos, and other information that
support professional installers
in their daily work

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Technical support via telephone
and e-mail for installers working
with SATEL devices and systems

More information
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